Neurospicy Co-Working Space in Bern: Safe Haven for Tackling Procrastinated Tasks

If you have a pile of unopened mail or need to finally sort out those overdue appointments, or whatever task is being overthought instead of taken care of: Welcome to my Co-Working Space — a judgment-free zone where you can take care of tasks that have been waiting for your attention.

The Space

Comfortable and welcoming: A cozy, supportive space where 2-4 people can work at once.

Empathetic Atmosphere: Work alongside others who understand what it's like to procrastinate and need a gentle nudge.

Pay What You Can: I believe everyone deserves support. Contribute what you can, no pressure.

Why It Works

No Judgment Zone: Feel at ease addressing long-neglected tasks without any shame or embarrassment.

Shared Motivation: The presence of others in similar situations can help you get started and stay on track.

Understanding Community: Connect with people who genuinely understand and support each other’s goals.

How to Join Us:

1. Send me an E-Mail in advance to ensure availability: frances(at)

2. Bring Your Tasks: Whether it's dealing with unopened mail, scheduling medical appointments, or any other postponed tasks, bring them along.

3. Accountability: If you like, you can tell me what you want to achieve in the session

Body Doubling

Body doubling is a strategy used to help increase productivity and focus by working alongside another person. This concept leverages the presence of another individual to provide a form of external structure and accountability.

How Body Doubling Works
    Presence: Simply having another person present can help an individual stay on task.
    Accountability: Knowing someone else is there can create a sense of responsibility and motivation to complete tasks.
    Structure: The presence of a body double can provide a structured environment that reduces distractions.

Let’s Get Things Done Together!